
Photo of Craig Mashburn


Staff Time Off

Has anyone done any tracking of staff time off in Rock? If so, curious how/where it was done.

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Hi Craig!

    It sounds like you're asking either for a leave-request calendar or a timeclock.

    If you're referring to a leave-request calendar:
    A simple option would be to use a custom Content Channel to track this info, including the date range they employees will be out of office.  It would be based on the honor-system, since assigning specific directors/leaders to approve the leave request for specific employees would be tricky.  There is code around that can display content channel info in a Calendar format...

    Perhaps it could be more sophisticated with a Workflow, which could add approval levels. I've not done this but I can envision it being possible.

    A Timeclock would be a pretty big deal, especially if it aims to track hours, overtime, etc. for your jurisdiction.  Doable, I'm sure... but I can't think of a way to do it in Rock with out-of-the-box functionality.

    I hope that helps!

  • Photo of Austin Spooner


    Hey Craig, we are doing this with a workflow and a matrix person attribute. Here is how it works.

    1. We created a workflow (screen shot below) where the staff member requests time off. When they submit the form it routes to their supervisor. Once the supervisor approves the request it gets routed to HR to record. Then HR signs off on it and closes the work flow once its recorded.

    PTO Requet1.png

    2. HR records the data on a matrix attribute on the persons profile page. Screen shot below. 

    time off.png

  • Photo of Craig Mashburn


    Thanks for the replies. I was thinking a little more simple. Maybe with out the approval process and just the tracking like I see in your second screen shot. Setting up the fields and having them calculate remaining days and stuff. Is that what yours is doing?

    I am brand new to Rock, evaluating right now. So trying to set that up is way beyond me right now!

    • Jeremy Hoff

      Austin's workflow could probably be implemented /without/ the required approvals. ;-)

      Let us know how else we can assist with the evaluation!

  • Photo of Craig Mashburn


    Are you able to export/import workflows from one system to another?

    FYI, workflows are something at this time that make my head spin thinking about!