
Photo of Aaron Hackett


Reoccurring Payments NMI

Our reoccurring payments are not charging. We are with NMI. When looking through the system, it seems this happens with TransNational and simply updated in rock... am I correct? 

Im simply trying to locate where the issue may be at. 

Aaron Hackett

  • Daniel Hazelbaker

    Do you mean the credit cards are not being charged by NMI/TransNational - or that they are being charged but not showing up in Rock?

    Beyond what Bill mentioned, you might try manually downloading payments from the Finance menu and see if it pulls anything down.

  • Photo of Bill Sheeler


    Have you contacted TransNational? That is where the cards are stored and bill from.  Are you getting daily reports from TransNational showing the charges?  Was this working ever?

    • Aaron Hackett

      Thank you Bill. This was the answer I was looking for.

      I have contacted TransNational and am waiting for a reply. We get reports, and it was working before.

      Hopefully I will hear back soon.

      Ill post the resolution when we get it fixed.

    • Aaron Hackett

      Just for resolution. We did have one reoccurring payment go through last night. When I heard back from TNBank, they said that a reoccurring charge has to have a one time gift first. This verifies the card info is valid.

      So the scheduled payments that were not working had to go back and make in one time initial gift.

      Seems a bit combersome, but we will work with it.

  • Photo of Bill Sheeler


    Do you have the download payments job running?

  • Photo of Bill Sheeler


    I think someone is blowing smoke, cause we have tons of recurring gifts that were setup in Rock using NMI/TransNational and all work (most of the time unless there is a system glitch on their end or the card expires etc).  Never heard about that one time gift stuff.  Did all your users that did recurring gifts go in and create an account in Rock and set up recurring giving or did you transfer information from a different system.  We were in F1 and had to have everyone re create recurring gifts in Rock.

    • Aaron Hackett

      Everyone was imported via excavatior. This is actually a bit reassuring. The whole one time gift first is a bit cumbersome

  • Photo of Bill Sheeler


    AHHH Yeah, that was a good thing to do regarding giving.  Because for PCI you are not storing cc or ach info on your server, they use an iframe to link directly to Transnationals site and it's all stored there.  Therefore pulling that data in with excavator does not work.  You have to make users switch to the new giving and setup their credit card again.  Pulling in user info is one thing but not cc or ach info or passwords.  That was why we started using Rock giving on a certain date after sending out many direct mailings and emails instructing them what to do and that we had to do it that way to protect their cc and ach information.

  • Photo of Ethan Drotning


    Check the payments on the NMI website for error message "Error: A card security code has never been passed for this account". For reoccurring payments scheduled with Rock NMI needs to remove a CVV requirement; this should be done when the gateway is first setup. Contact NMI, let them know you are using Rock, and to remove the CVV requirement.