
Photo of Carolyn Walker


Person Name in reporting

Has anyone else noticed that Person Name in reporting where you have the option of FirstName LastName or LastName, FirstName actually pulls NICK, not First?

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    "Person Name" and "Full Name" (where used) always pull from NickName instead of FirstName since that is what people normally expect. Unless you are sending a very formal correspondence, you would want to say "Dear Ted Decker" and not "Dear Theodore Decker".

  • Photo of Carolyn Walker


    Hm. I see. Somewhat misleading by the use of the word "first" instead of "nick"

    • Daniel Hazelbaker

      Agreed - but I think it's the lesser of two evils. If Rock listed "Full Name" as "NickName LastName" everywhere, people would understand what it meant but probably have to pause for a second to think it through. It's just not something people tend to think of, it's just an "understood norm". When you ask Theodore Decker what his name is, his response will most likely be "Ted" which we interpret as his FirstName. We just automatically understand that it could be a nick name, but either way it's what he goes by and expects to be called.

      It's kind of like if you asked somebody how they are doing and they responded with "Adequate". It's a perfectly valid response but we are conditioned to expect certain types of responses. If we don't get that response we have to stop and think about what it means.