
Photo of James Temens


Class Closed - Child not displayed

We are noticing that if a class is closed and a parent goes to check in a child that falls into the age range for that class the child will not show up on the check-in screen where the parent selects the kids to check-in.  Is that how it is supposed to work?  There isn't a way to tell the parent the class is closed?  We are having parents ask us why their child is not in the system when in fact they are - the class is just closed.

  • Photo of Michael Garrison



    That is the way it's intended to work. The way check-in works is it will show anyone who has a location they could check-in to right now, from this kiosk. It hides anyone who does not. That's how parents and older children don't show up on a kiosk designed to check in younger children. Since their class is closed, they can't check in, so they're not shown.

    It's an interesting idea to instead show anyone with an age/grade range that matches the kiosk's configuration, and disable their button with a note that there are "no available rooms" when they would otherwise be hidden, but I'm not sure how difficult it would be, technically, to add that option. You might consider writing it up as an idea at and see if it gets any traction, though.