
Photo of One Life Christian Church


First Time Giver Workflow

Can someone give me some direction on creating a workflow that will let us know when someone gives for the first time.  

  • Eddie Holeman

    Scott, I have not done this specifically, but my approach would involve the use of a Rock Job which would have a Job Type of org.secc.Jobs.WorkflowLauncher. You would need to install the Workflow Launcher plugin if you don't have it already. The source would be a SQL Query which could pull first time gift/giver from the day before. This job would launch an instance of a workflow for each returned record in the query. Just some thoughts.

  • Photo of Brianne Shaw


    Scott, we use a data view then add them to a connection request. What are you hoping to do with the first time giver workflow? 

  • Photo of One Life Christian Church


    My initial thought was to have their information (name, address, email, etc.) sent to someone who would be reminded to send them a letter thanking them for their first time gift.  Ideally with an actionable step that the person would click "I Sent It" and that would update a person attribute we created called "First Time Giver Letter Sent."  And perhaps it could also process a first time giver email to them as well that would be a simpler email just thanking them for their gift.

    My current solution has become a lot less complicated.  I just created a dataview of anyone who gave in the last month that doesn't have the person attribute I mentioned above as "yes."  Then I display it as a dynamic report on our internal home page.  This seems to work fine but my initial idea was a way to get more people involved in the process.

  • Photo of Brianne Shaw


    We do something similar, the data view launches a connection request. Our finance team gets notified if it's a first or second-time gift. Once they have sent the first gift they push to connect and it fires an email, then the same thing happens for our second-time gift. Not as automated as I would like but works for now.