
Photo of One Life Christian Church


Default "Combine Giving With" Blank

Is there a way to default "combine giving with" to be just blank?  Whenever we do statements we need to go through them and edit it to just blank because it includes anyone in the household.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Not that I'm aware of, other than perhaps doing it via SQL. Normally you would WANT "combine giving" to be the default and the disabling of it (for, say, an elderly parent living in the same home) to be the exception, because husbands & wives routinely ping pong giving in many churches ("whoever has the checkbook this week") and separating  those (by disabling combine giving) would split the giving for tons of families.

    I'm curious what situation you're running into where you want to disable combining by default? Do you have an unusual number of adults living in same families? It could also be a data integrity issue (are you automatically moving 18+ adult children to their own families when they reach that age?... you should be!) and keep in mind that even if Grandma is living with her Son and Daughter in Law, she doesn't NEED to be in the same actual family group... just a thought!

  • Photo of One Life Christian Church


    Excellent questions.  I was not seperating out 18+ adults to their own family.  I thought "family" meant "Household."  Like everyone living under one address.  So I should be moving 18+ year olds still living at home to a new family with the same address?  Am I understanding that right?

    Thanks for asking the underlying questions like you did.  It'll help me definitely.

    • Jim Michael

      Yes, it's a best practice to move adult children into their own family, only one reason being they will then have their own giving. However, you don't need to do this manually... you can have Rock automate it!

      And you are right.... in general a "family" is everyone living under one roof, but there are exceptions (which you're not forced to use, but might consider)... adult children, elderly parents, foster kids... in OUR org, none of these warrant the people being in the same family group. Instead, we put them in their own (where appropriate) family and use known relationships to link them.... but we also do VERY little snail mailing. It's 2020! ;-)

  • Photo of One Life Christian Church


    Oh and will this create issues for us when we do a mass mailing and we send it to "The ______ family."  Won't this produce duplicates for mass mailings?

    But perhaps I can adjust my mass mailing dataview to only have one person per last name rather than family.  

    • Jim Michael

      Yes, you would have duplicates in such situations unless you de-dupe on the snail-mail sending side.