0 Twilio 10DLC compliance -guidance on Registering Campaign 3 Bryan Cole posted 16 Months Ago Hello all!First thank you SO MUCH for even stopping to read!Due to personnel changes, and lost communications, I'm behind the power curve on our Twilio 10DLC registration. I'm somewhat crippled, in that I did not perform the original Twilio <-> Rock implementation, so I'm somewhat cautious in that I don't want to break the current implementation with Rock as I bring it into compliance.Currently waiting on Twilio Brand Registration (apparently immediate or up to 7 days.)Next will be Campaign registration once Brand Registration is validated. I started to take a look at those items, and that's where I need some guidance. It looks like brand registration being pending now won't let me access Campaign Registration, so this is from memory - but does anyone have any notes as to what they used as example texts in the form submission? Answers seemed to focus mostly around password resets, not sending information to constituents about church events, registration, etc. Since it says it can take 3 weeks, I want to submit it as correctly as possible. And is "Sole Proprietor" the correct type of campaign? It's the only choice offered to me.I apologize if I've missed any already existing posts on this - I did my best to search first.Thank you!~Bryan