
Photo of Sherry Cremer


Export Limit for Transactions

What is limit of transactions that can be exported from the Finance Transaction section?  When we try to export the transactions for our fiscal year for our auditors, we receive an error message "That was not suppose to happen". So we have to export in much smaller date ranges and combine them in Excel. We didn't have this problem until a couple years ago.  Our last fiscal year contained over 42,000 transactions if that helps with this question.  Thanks for your help.

  • Photo of Morgan Woods-Leshe


    I don't know of a specific limit, are you just using the export to excel tool? I just ran a successful export of 7,000 transactions on version 15.1. 

    My first question would be what version are you on? 

    And then what is your server set up, Azure, AWS, local? 

  • Photo of Sherry Cremer


    Yes I am using the Export to Excel tool icon. We are currently on 12. Server is local

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Just wanted to let you know that I reported this here and it will be fixed in v17.