0 DataView Filter for 13-24 months ago 2 Tim Rust posted 9 Months Ago We are looking to create a DataView for givers over a certain threshold within the last 12 months. That part is easy enough to do.However, we also want a separate DataView for givers who were within that threshold a year ago.So DataView 1 would be people with combined giving over $X in the Previous 12 months (5/1/23-4/30/24)DataView 2 would be people with combined giving over $X in the 12 months PRIOR to that (5/1/22-4/30/23). I know I could manually just set the date range, but I'd much prefer to have it dynamic like DataView 1. Is there a way to make this work?
Kurt Vogeler 9 months ago True ... my bad ... we use the Blue Box Moon plug in that allows the use of SQL on DVs ... do you have that plug in ?