
Photo of Ruth Lash


Filters on Reports

New to Rock (launching in November) and still trying to wrap my brain around the Data Views/Reports. I thought for sure I saw somewhere a page that showed rows of data and had filters on the side (like shopping websites) where you could limit which data you were looking at. This is what I want to use to avoid creating hundreds of data views for every possible permutation of our children's ministry volunteers. I need to filter on campus, room, hour, and role. With up to 6 campuses, 13 rooms per campus, 3 different hours, and 5 or 6 roles per room, I have over 1,000 possibilities. I constantly get requests like "I need all the volunteers who work in the Honeybees room at all our campuses" or "I need all the volunteers who work in the Elementary classrooms at 9:00 at this particular campus." I just can't see making a separate data view for every single need they will have.

  • Photo of Luke Taylor


    Hey Ruth,
    When you mention the filters on the side, and talking about volunteers, the clearest Rock feature that resembles that would be the attendance analytics feature, which you can use to select campuses, groups, and schedules to see who has had attendance in what groups, at what times.
    More information can be found in the check-in manual here:
    and the RockU Video here:

    Another feature that's geared at volunteer management would be the group schedule feature, where you can see who is in what group, and schedule them to serve.  The filtering doesn't quite match your description, but might meet your use case.
    Manual here:
    There are a few group scheduling videos.  The overview is here:

    The two following dig a little deeper.

  • Photo of Ruth Lash


    That's where I saw it! How difficult would it be to add that kind of functionality to reports?

    I think our data views are going to be very unmanageable otherwise. If I have to create a separate one for every single request, it's going to look just like our current Arena lists.

    Oh well. 

  • Photo of Luke Taylor


    To save on creating tons of data views, you'll want to look into the dynamic report block:

    The general concept is that you add the different filters you want to a data view, sometimes a few more than necessary, then create a report of what you want to show from the returned records.

    Having done that, you add a dynamic report block to a page, and choose what data view filters to expose for Rock workers to turn on and off.
    You can add a campus filter, location filter etc.
    It can be tempting to create a ton of available filters, but that has the potential for overwhelm.  Try to figure out, between what you're showing in the report itself, as well as with the chosen filters, a good mix so that workers aren't making more than 2 or 3 choices maybe.  More like the In-N-Out menu than the Cheesecake factory "book of food"

    If your church has the RX conference content subscription, I did a presentation at the 2019 conference called "Do Less Work to Get More Work Done: An Introduction to Dynamic Reports" that tries to wrap together a lot of the stuff that appears in the manual and RockU video links above along with details about how to actually add the pages and blocks.

  • Photo of Ruth Lash


    Thank you, Luke! I will definitely check that out!