
Photo of Ken Roach


Is there an Extended Attribute field type that can display Person fields?

Any way to show a Person field in an Extended Attribute block? (It would be display only.)

For example, I have a 'Contact' Block. I'd like to be able to display the Person.LastModifiedDateTime field.

Is there a Liquid field type that can be used?


  • Photo of Rock RMS


    You can't do this using an Attribute Values block, but you can using an HTML Content block and taking advantage of it's support for context objects ( {{ Context.Person.* }} ) to display read-only person field and attributes.  For example...

    <div class="context-attribute-values">
        <section class="panel panel-persondetails">
            <div class="panel-heading rollover-container clearfix">
                <h3 class="panel-title pull-left"><i class="fa fa-gear"></i> System Info<h3>
            <div class="panel-body">
                <fieldset class="attribute-values">
                    <div class="form-group static-control">
                        <label class="control-label">Birth Date</label><p class="form-control-static ">{{ Context.Person.BirthDate | Date:'d/M/yyyy' }}</p>
                    <div class="form-group static-control">
                        <label class="control-label">Baptism Date</label><p class="form-control-static ">{{ Context.Person.BaptismDate | Date:'d/M/yyyy'  }}</p>
                    <div class="form-group static-control">
                        <label class="control-label">Last Updated</label><p class="form-control-static ">{{ Context.Person.ModifiedDateTime | Date:'d/M/yyyy'  }}</p>

    Note: This HTML has also temporarily been added to the Extended Attributes section on Rock Demo site.