
Photo of Katie Williamson


Change Photo size in Person Directory Block

We are using the person directory block both internally and externally. The photo size that comes with it is tiny and we would like a much larger photo to be displayed by the persons name. I cannot figure out how to change this. 

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    It didn’t look like there is a template setting or a block setting for the photo size. You could try replacing the URL with a larger image parameter and updating the markup all using jquery on the page, but that is likely to be a pretty short-term solution that would just turn into a maintenance headache.

    If the need is great enough, you might consider creating this kind of view in an HTML block so you are in sole control of what is displayed. In that case you would probably use a Page Parameter Filter block to present the filters and then in the HTML block design an entity command to get matches from the data view, and use with dynamicparameters option to filter based on what they provide in the filter block.

    This is a different kind of maintenance debt you’re taking on if you go this way, but at least here you’re working WITH the blocks and their intended functions rather than fighting with their native design 😅

    Check out for more about entity commands if you haven’t used them before.

     And for information about the page parameter filter block.

    Be REALLY careful about what information you expose, and about whom, especially since you’re using this on your public site though!