0 Using Rock Groups as a Project Management Tool 1 Ken Roach posted 10 Years Ago We need to find an organisation-wide, web-based, project and task management tool. We need a list of all projects the organisation is working on, who is working on the project, where the project is up to, and what's next etc. I have been thinking about using Groups to do this. Something like: Projects Ministry Area 1, name, assigned to Project 1, name, sponsor, assigned to, current status, next actions... Project 2 Activity 2.1, name, assigned to, current status, next actions... Task 2.1.1, name, assigned to, current status, next actions... Activity 2.2 Activity 2.3 Ministry Area 2, name, assigned to Project 3 Activity 3.1 The effectiveness of using Rock Groups to manage this would depending on being able to get status reports that listed the above information sorted and grouped appropriately. (e.g. "Give me a list of all our projects sorted by Ministry Area, Project, Activity, Task, that shows current status and next actions. It would also depending on being able to sort groups manually so the order of Ministry Areas, Projects, Activities, Tasks could be maintained. What are your thoughts on using Rock to do this? Is this an appropriate and intended use of Groups? Or should I be considering another tool? If so, do you have any recommendations?
Ken Roach 10 years ago Thanks Jeremy. I saw the Group file (with group type attributes) as a possible way of setting the values that would be required on every project.