
Photo of Michael Garrison


Printing nametags without check-in

OK, now we have groups to hold people who have registered for a class. I'm being asked if it's possible to print off nametags for everyone in that group so they can just pick up their nametag, rather than having people "check in".

I see "Parse Zebra Label" as an action in the workflows, so I'm imagining I need to create a page which takes a group ID as a URL parameter...then on that page have a "Trigger Workflow" block so it triggers the workflow? I'm being asked for the Workflow Entry Page on that that the trigger page or ...?

Is such a thing possible with Rock and could someone sum up the steps I'd need beyond what I've outlined above? Or is there a specific page on the check-in "site" I can look at to emulate? I'm a little afraid to poke around in the preconfigured check-in site without a little guidence- that's awfully critical stuff =)


  • Photo of Rock RMS


    There is an upcoming feature that will allow you to create merge documents. One of those documents would be name tags. I know that doesn't solve your immediate need but hopefully it helps chart our direction.

  • Photo of Jessica Locke


    I'm trying to figure this out myself. Did you ever come up with a solution?

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    We ended up using the Merge document feature once it became available. You can upload a Word template that's designed for printing on a sheet of labels, and which we designed to look like the check-in labels we use for walk-ins. Then when you're viewing your group, choose to create a Merge document based on the members, and select your template when prompted. That uses your "regular" office printer to print out sheets of nametags, rather than using the Zebra printers.

    To my knowledge, there's no way of sending labels with arbitrary data to the Zebra printers from Rock. The closest thing you can do is print a sample of a nametag (if you print from server rather than client).

    Check out for more information on the Merge Documents.