
Photo of Arran France


Check-In Ability Levels

Rock by default comes with three ability levels, controllable by a defined type. The three that are there by default are listed as required by system and so are not removable. 

In our use case we don't need three ability levels, just two -- not yet walking and walking. Is there some way to remove one of the ability levels or is it possible to create a new defined type and then edit the check-in workflow to use that defined type instead? 


  • Photo of Rock RMS


    We will change these to not be system in v3.0. In the meantime if you run the SQL below it will fix this for you today.

    UPDATE [DefinedValue]
      SET [IsSystem] = 0
      WHERE [DefinedTypeId] = (SELECT TOP 1 [Id] FROM [DefinedType] WHERE [Guid] = '7BEEF4D4-0860-4913-9A3D-857634D1BF7C')