0 Check-in wristbands 0 Kelley Langkamp posted 9 Years Ago I know someone mentioned this a while back so I thought I would share. There are printable wristband available for the Zebra label printers. I set up a new label file and set it up in Rock.The most trouble I had was getting the printer to recognize the new stock size. I ended up having to do a reset to factory and recalibrate. We only use wristbands for our VBS type event. The rest of the time we use the regular labels. We got the wristbands from Amazon. http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0046U4KOM?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage Wristbands.zip - Label prn and lblfiles Everyone here has helped me with anytime I've had problems or questions so hopefully this helps someone.