
Photo of Oleg Timoshchuk


How to print form fields in confirmation email

I am trying to print form fields from my event I created. We created a Volleyball event & the team captain adds team players to the form & I would like to include those players in my email confirmation. I see a form field has a unique ID & key value. How would I print that? {{Registration.Player1}} does not work.

  • Photo of Oleg Timoshchuk


    Here is step by step solution to my issue I had:

    Go to your Event Registration Template Settings and navigate to From(s). Click on the Form Field and note down the Key for that field. Do this for all the Form Fields you want to include in your confirmation email.

    Edit your Registration Template and check "Show Communication Settings" 

    Now you will see Confirmation Email pops up. 

    You can add the fields that registrants enter in their confirmation email by just calling the Key we noted down.

    For instance If I wanted to add the Gender, Birthdate the user entered in the registration I would use this:

    (Since these are Person Fields we can use PersonAlias for this)

            <strong>Gender: </strong> {{ registrant.PersonAlias.Person.Gender }} 
            <strong>Birthdate: </strong> {{ registrant.PersonAlias.Person.BirthMonth }}.{{ registrant.PersonAlias.Person.BirthDay }}.{{ registrant.PersonAlias.Person.BirthYear }} 

    If you want to do the same for things that are not Person Fields like custom fields you created you can use Attribute like below:

            <strong>Grade: </strong> {{ registrant | Attribute:'Grade' }}
            <<strong>Does your child have any allergies: </strong> {{ registrant | Attribute:'allergies' }}
            <strong>Does your child have any medical issues/concerns we should be a ware of: </strong> {{ registrant | Attribute:'medicalissues' }}

    So Attribute:'allergies' the key that was set up was named allergies. Similar to Attribute:'medicalissues' the key was named medicalIssues for the field "Does you child have any medical issues/concerns we should be aware of"

    Here is the full Confirmation Email - Email Template Source for reference. This takes care of multiple registrants on the same event. ConfirmationEmail.html

    The final result will look something like this in the confirmation email: 

    Screen Shot 2019-09-04 at 8.50.50 PM.png

  • Photo of Oleg Timoshchuk


    I figured this out. I used Lava Tester to find the fields for my registration.

    Ended up using

    {% assign registrants = Registration.Registrants | Where:'OnWaitList', false %}

     {% for registrant in registrants %}

    {{ registrant | Attribute:'myField' }} and changing myField to the Form field key so on.

    • Ken Roach

      Thanks for sharing your answer Oleg. Could you please write this up as a a recipe for the community? It will help us when we come to try to do the same thing.

  • Photo of Karen Fritsch


    Hi Oleg!

    Thank you for posting this!! I used your Email Template Source Reference to customize the Confirmation Email for one of our Event Registrations that has 4 additional Registrant Forms associated with it (i.e. the Default Form & 4 additional forms we created - Parent/Guardian Form, Student Medical Release Form, Camper Pick-up Form, and Camp Liability Waiver & Release Form).  It works great for 1 registrant but I've run into a roadblock in obtaining the answers for all the registrant forms per registrant when there are multiple registrants. 

    For example:
    When registering more than 1 person per registration, the confirmation email includes the answers to the default form section for all registrants and the answers to the additional 4 Registrant Forms for the 1st registrant, however it does NOT include the answers to the additional 4 Registrant Forms for all the registrants.  (Hope that makes sense)

    This is all Greek to me so I'm wondering if you might give me some assistance?  In the above answer,  you stated the Template Source example provided takes care of multiple registrants on the same event.  What part of the source code addresses the "multiple registrants" aspect?  Like I said, this is Greek to me so I cannot decipher this on my own in order to troubleshoot further. ;0)

    Thank you in advance for your assistance!