
Photo of Chad Rudd


I'm not clear as to where my account resides.

    To make a long story short, our church had a congregant that took care of our IT. He has up and left and we cannot get hold of him. I know that Azure is "hosting" The Rock as a virtual machine and that end is solid. No issues there. The issue is that one day The Rock is operational and the next, it's down - We cannot access it. I do not know where to start since Azure says their end is active. I am no IT person and I just need a little direction so I can find out if The Rock is still out there somewhere. I pray it is! If anyone can shine some light on this concern, I would be forever grateful.

Chad Rudd

  • Eddie Holeman

    Chad, I agree with DJ on the going forward with a Rock Partner, but am intrigued with what is going on. When you say "we cannot access it", does this mean that you try to browse to (or whatever it is) and get no response or that you get to a login page, but can't log in? Do you have Active Directory logins or Database logins only? We have a VPN tunnel back to our on-premise Active Directory serve and have had a few issues with that VPN tunnel going down (and Azure says that their end is fine during those times). Just some thoughts.

  • Photo of DJ Grick


    Hey Chad,

    I'm typically a "let's figure this out" sort of person but I think in your situation it might be a good time to reach out to one of the Rock Partners and invest in making sure everything is setup well.

    Many of them will be able to work with you to figure out Azure, your Rock instance, and help you setup some policies and practices that will safeguard your churches data now and in the future.

    Thinking outside of just Rock I would recommend immediately changing the password for anything your previous IT volunteer had, and making sure everything is associated with an email address of someone on your executive level leadership.