
Photo of Jennifer Keylon


Font Awesome icons not showing in Group Types/viewer

I created a new group type, and added a font awesome icon on the "display options." 

fa fa-church

When going to group viewer, its not showing this (although there is a blank space where it should be), or several of the other icons (which I also changed today - we haven't used them before).

fa fa-hands

fa fa-hands-helping

fa fa-globe-americas

All of these are on the free version of Font Awesome.

Some are displaying (and on the same group type I created.) If I use fa fa-users or fa fa-heart. But the others won't work.

Is there a reason for this and how do I change it? 

Here is how the ones that are working look, versus the ones not working. I am entering the new ones in the exact format as above, which the one that are displaying are in also.

Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at 9.27.44 AM.png

Thank you so much!!!


  • Photo of Michael Garrison



    Font Awesome is updating/adding icons quickly, being early in a new version. The icons you are trying were all added in newer versions of the font than your Rock v7 probably has (off the top of my head, 5.0.3 or so).

    Version 8 of Rock is up to date presently, but there's no way to keep up with font awesome unfortunately; since it takes an update to Rock to update font awesome, the updates must always be reactionary. So as soon as v8 comes out, font awesome will probably make another update and we'll be behind again, lol.

    So, look for another icon which is in an earlier version of font awesome and it should work. I think there's a plugin in the rock shop which gives you a searchable list of the icons which are actually available to you, without having to leave Rock... You might look into that.

  • Photo of Cameron Pak


    Hey Jennifer, 

    To my attention, Font Awesome was upgraded within the past year. Since then some of the naming convention has changed. `fa fa-church` would now be `fas fa-church`. Try this and let me know if it works.

    For the ones that are not working, search for them here and see if the name has changed just a little.

    Hope this helps!