
Photo of DJ Grick


What does the Rock Cleanup Job do?

I have someone new joining my team who has a much greater knowledge of SQL and development then me. 
I was asking him about an issue I was having with the group tree viewer not showing some groups and he said i would look into it.  Later he realized the Rock Cleanup job has failed for us since October and asked what specific it cleans up. 
He was thinking if that job keeps failing and it cleans up links (i know he used a different term I just can't remember it now) in the database then it not running could have something to do with it the group tree issues we had. 
All that is to ask: What does the cleanup job clean up? 
  • Photo of Arran France


    This link shows what the Rock Cleanup job does. Looking through it it shouldn't be connected to the group tree issues you're having.