
Photo of DJ Grick


MyWell / Reconciling accounts

Our church has never offered online giving before but we are looking into beginning to soon. Our Treasurer's biggest concern is reconciling the accounts in Quick Books every month. 

From what we understand MyWell will make deposits as the fund become available, but we will be adding the giving by batches every week. How are other churches handing this? 

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Exactly that... Rock batches containing donations get posted to your GL. Some churches mistakenly think every contribution must/should be entered into the GL but this is old school accounting. With Rock, *it* is where contribution tracking/reporting occurs, and the GL just gets updated with batch totals to keep the books correct.

    Is that what you were wanting to know?

    • DJ Grick

      yep that's kind of what I was asking about. She wants to see every transaction in the quick books (Batch) to match every transaction on a bank statement. But batches won't match the daily deposits.