
Photo of Bruce Fraser


Print bank deposit slip?

Hi everyone,

We're unhappy with our present ChMS [which I shall refrain from naming], and are looking around at alternatives.

We're looking at pretty basic operations: directory of church people, contributions, group lists.

One software used by a church I was part of a few years ago used an excellent ChMS program which sadly has ceased operation (the one-person programmer retired). It was clearly designed in consultation with people who did the hands-on day to day work in a church office. For instance, when recording contributions for the Sunday service, it automatically produced a bank deposit slip, with all the cheques and cash entered in their appropriate sections, everything added up correctly. It was a great time-saver for the volunteers counting the offering. Ever since then, I've used that as reference point for judging a program's ease of use.

QUESTION: Does RockRMS print out bank deposit slips, based on the day's offering?

  • Photo of DJ Grick


    Out of the box I don't believe Rock has this feature ...but with Rock anything is possible.

    The Core Developers of Rock have a ton of background in the church world being the people doing the work and pay close attention to the needs of churches both big and small. I love that Rock is made up of "blocks" because it makes me think of Legos. They give us the parts we need to build a ChMS in a way that best fits our church. 

    I believe you could create a Merge Document  to do exactly what you are looking for. Having this ability is probably the best because it allows you to customize for different banks needs. I have not tested this so someone else might need to jump in and confirm or may have already created it. 

    PS: Our ministries bank and my personal bank both moved away from requiring anything beyond check total on the deposit slip. I don't know if everyone is going that way but some are. 

  • Photo of Bruce Fraser


    Hi DJ,

    Thanks for your thoughtful answer.

    I'm familiar with doing a mail merge or letter merge in Word. I had a look at the "Merge document" link you provided and -- oh dear! -- the procedure for writing the code to produce a deposit slip would be intimidating. In fact, I'd rather program it in dBase than attempt that!

    I was rather looking for out-of-the-box ability.

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Hey Bruce!

    DJ's correct- pretty much anything is possible, and honestly Lava is pretty revolutionary in the ChMS world. (In a similar way that dBase was revolutionary way-back-when ;-)  

    One interesting bit to keep in mind is that while RockRMS may not come out-of-the-box with a deposit slip, we'll need something similar and will share it with you and anyone else who may need it in the near future*.  If you're judging any solution based on ease of use, you might also consider adding "ease to solve your organization's problems."  I can't think of any other ChMS ecosystem in this price point that embraces the sharing of solution like Rock's. ;-)

    *We don't produce a "deposit slip" per se, but we do produce a "batch slip" that is wrapped around each stack of checks within a deposit.  Our bank (Bank of the West) still needs these for analog check submission.

  • Photo of Marcie Rempel


    Hi Jeremy - I'd be interested in connecting with you about your solution. I've also sent you a message on Slack.

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Hi Marcie - nice to make your acquaintance. I responded on #slack. :-)

    Our solution for Bank Deposit slips is to print the batch detail.  

    I believe Daniel H got you started with the Deposit Slip, which is intended for Events rather than Contributions.

    I hope that helps!