
Photo of Don Smallman


Website Templates


Is anyone creating website templates that we can use with RMS?



  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I think a at least one church has put their template on Github, but I'm not aware of any beyond that. The hope is that some start designing nice ones and selling them in the Rock Shop, but so far that hasn't happened yet. You might ask in Rock's Slack about the church that has theirs in github as I can't remember who it was.

  • Photo of Jay Greentree

    0,, and all have their rock themes on Github. I am working on finalizing a few for the rock shop as soon as I get some time.

    • Jim Michael

      Packaging anything for distro in the Rock Shop takes a fair amount of work, and unless someone is motivated to put something in the shop for sale or just wants to give it away, they usually just don't have the time to do all that work, so since some churches already have their code on Github, they just point people there, which is better than not giving it away at all, right? The dream is that eventually the Rock Shop will have lots of themes for sale, but things like that take a lot of time and motivation to get momentum. The Shop itself, at least, if filling up with valuable plugins as a rapid pace.

  • Photo of DJ Grick


    If it can help at all here is the theme for Keep in mind I am not a programmer so it might not be industry standard. I have a few notes in a txt file anyone trying to use this will want to see.