
Photo of Mark Quisquirin


Rock Application Backup Plan (Document)


Is there an existing document where I can follow on how to perform a proper backup of our whole Rock RMS instance? 


1. IIS/Web Files and Config Backup

2. Database Backup


If yes, are you able to guide me accordingly? or share your experience how you backup yours? Thanks. 

*note: my Rock instance is hosted in Azure VM. SQL Express is installed in the VM. 

Let me know if you need more information. 

Best Regards,


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    At its simplest, "backing up" Rock involves copying the RockRMS directory structure somewhere safe, and backing up the SQL database to a file and storing it somewhere safe. However, these days it's often better to back up the _entire_ VM, which lets you restore the entire system to a working state if something bad happens. I'm not familiar with Azure's native backup capabilities but it looks like it's pretty straightforward

    Here, since we host Rock on our own servers, we use a product called Veeam to provide image-level backups for the Rock VMs, but it looks like Azure has something at least similar to that. 

  • Photo of DJ Grick


    There is also a great post on Shoulder The Bolder about backing up Rock.