
Photo of Chris Lutts


Facebook Log In

I give up.... not really, but I sure have spent a fair amount of time on this...   I have Facebook app set up, I have the correct data listed in / Security
/ Authentication Services / Facebook, however, this does not show up as a login option.  I saw another site said to log in as admin and them in the lower right hand side of the external site, edit the blocks, however, Facebook doesnt show up as a option.  I am sure I am missing something right in front of my face but for the life of me I cant find it.  Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Photo of DJ Grick



    So you are going into the block properties of the login status bar at the top. What you need to do is the actual login block on your login page. 

    So for example on my churches login page I edit this blocks properties: 

    Login _ - Google Chrome 2018-01-04 12.43.08.png

    For a public site the defalt page number seems to be [YourSite]/page/207 

  • Photo of DJ Grick


    Weird. Any chance you can post what your login block properties look like?

    Here's what shows up for me.

     Login _ - Google Chrome 2018-01-03 21.00.08.png

  • Photo of Chris Lutts


    This is what I get


  • Photo of Chris Lutts


    that was totally the problem.  Thank you