0 "View only" security role 4 Hock_Hin Lee posted 5 Years Ago Is there a "View Only" security role? i.e. the user with this role can only view the contents in Rock but not change it in any way.If there is no such role, how easy is it to create such a role?
Hock_Hin Lee 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago) Created the Read Only role, added role to Person Detail page, assigned role to user.Cannot login, I think because no rights to page after successful login. Tried to add Read Only role to the page after login, but that page cannot configure for security. Did I do something wrong?BTW, I am testing these on version 7.6
Hock_Hin Lee 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago) Looking at the Page Security for the Person Details page, I noticed that only Administrators are allowed to Edit and/or Administrate. Yet, User with Staff Like Workers role can Edit the person's data.The Security help notes for the Edit tab goes like this:-The roles and/or users that have access to edit blocks on this page or any child page, when those block or pages don't specifically define security for the current user (i.e. when this page is used as a 'parent authority').My interpretation of Edit from the text above is Editing the blocks and fields on the page, and NOT about Editing the data contents of the fields. Have you tried creating a read only role?
Hock_Hin Lee 5 years ago As a starting point, how to setup a role to view only the Person Profile Page. Where to begin with the setup? Thanks
Hock_Hin Lee 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago) A clarification after playing with security roles for some time,I want to allow the user to view the data of people in Rock, but not able to change any of the data about these people
Hock_Hin Lee 5 years ago Found the answer. Added my new Read Only Role to the Search Controller within the Security > REST Controllers > Security Lock/permissions