
Photo of Dillan Cagnetta


External website and Rock on same domain


I wanted to host my external and Rock sites on different domain and this is how i set it up at installation

I would like to make both on the same domain.

problem is at installation i specified my public and rocksite on different domains.

How can i get it to be as per your example?

  • DJ Grick

    Could you clarify your vision on why and how you would like your site to work?
    Have you ruled out using a subdomain for the back end of Rock. (example Public site: and Rocksite:

  • Photo of DJ Grick


    There are two parts to answering this.

    1. Making sure your new domain name's DNS settings are pointing to your Rock Server. This is different with each hosting provider. Check their documentations for this. Don't remove or change your current domain until you get the new domain operational!!! 

    2. Making sure you have updated your domains in Rock.

    • Admin Tools > CMS Configuration > Sites  
    • Choose the site you would like pointed to a different location and add the new domain(#9 in link below) (Note: you can have the same site have multiple domain names. It's probably best to keep it pointing to it's old location UNTIL AFTER you test the new location).
    • Look here as a reference.. 
  • Photo of Dillan Cagnetta


    Yes, I want it exactly as you have stated

    problem is at installation i specified my public and rocksite on different domains.

    How can i get it to be as per your example?


    Also, if i needed to move my site to a completely new domain on the same host; how would i do that?

    • Arran France

      Hey Dillian,
      It sounds like you need to make changes to your DNS.

      If you have two domains: (for your Rock site) and (for your public site) these both need to be pointed to the IP address provided by your host.
      Then you need to follow step 2 provided by DJ Grick.